
Babies (2010)

Rated PG 79 min - Documentary
Babies, also known as Baby(ies) and Bébé(s), is a 2009 French documentary film by Thomas Balmès that follows four infants from birth to when they are one year old. The babies featured in the film are two from rural areas: Ponijao from Opuwo, Namibia, and Bayar from Bayanchandmani, Mongolia, as well as two from urban areas: Mari from Tokyo, Japan, and Hattie from San Francisco, USA.

Directors: Thomas Balmes

Cast: Ponijao, Mari, Hattie, Bayarjargal, and Tarererua

Release Date: May 7, 2010

4 Movie Reviews
  • friends4ev
    friends4evover 9 years
    what's wrong that makes u think it isn't for little kids?
    • Frinds4Evover 9 years
      Why isn't it ok for little ones?
      • tary00136
        tary00136almost 11 years
        its a very cute movie with the babies but some stuff in it isnt ok for little kids
        • jazzygirl212
          jazzygirl212over 12 years44 popcorn
          Don't get me wrong, this is a really sweet movie. But, my brother had to leave the room when we were watching it due to some of the things shown in this movie.