Insidious: Chapter 2The haunted Lambert family seeks to uncover the mysterious childhood secret that has left them dange...
Insidious: Chapter 3A twisted new tale of terror begins for a teenage girl and her family, and revealing more mysteries ...
InsidiousA family discovers that dark spirits have invaded their home after their son inexplicably falls into...
Something Wicked This Way ComesIn a small American town, a diabolical circus arrives, granting wishes for the townsfolk, but twiste...
Giant Spider InvasionA black hole hits North Wisconsin and opens a door to other dimensions. Giant 15 meter spiders emerg...
Jaws 2Police chief Brody must protect the citizens of Amity after a second monstrous shark begins terroriz...
JawsWhen the seaside community of Amity finds itself under attack by a dangerous great white shark, the ...
Jaws: The RevengeAfter another deadly shark attack, Ellen Brody decides she has had enough of New England's Amity Isl...
Jaws 3-DA giant thirty-five-foot shark becomes trapped in a SeaWorld theme park and it's up to the sons of p...
Dark SkiesFrom the producers of Paranormal Activity, Insidious, and Sinister comes Dark Skies: a supernatural ...