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Descendants 3

Descendants 3 (2019)

The teenagers of Disney's most infamous villains return to the Isle of the Lost to recruit a new batch of villainous offspring to join them at Auradon Prep.

Release Date: August 2, 2019

250 Movie Reviews
  • beccasparkles
    beccasparklesalmost 4 years55 popcorn
    I really love this movie it's really good my favorite song is Queen of Mean and I really just like Audrey especially when she stole Maleficent's staff
    • sparklecorn
      sparklecornover 3 years55 popcorn
      I love all the music in the movie my favorite is night falls
    • lalalo
      lalaloalmost 4 years55 popcorn
      I love this movie I watched it plenty of times
      • tay912
        tay912almost 4 years55 popcorn
        I love this movie so much!
        • ninjasforever
          ninjasforeveralmost 4 years55 popcorn
          My sister likes this movie I ended up watching with her and I liked it.
          • corgiqueen
            corgiqueenalmost 4 years55 popcorn
            I have a giant file folder on my laptop of possible profile pictures (please don't judge, I just like changing my profile picture all the time) , and like half of them are Evie!
            • corgiqueen
              corgiqueenalmost 4 years55 popcorn
              Best one yet!! D3 is a little more intense than the first 2 movies. But it has the best plot out of all 3. I'm so glad that Audrey was in this one. She's a really great character. Audrey made a great villain!! My 2 favorite songs were "Queen of Mean" and "Night Falls". Such a great movie!! Loved it! I'm kind of torn about a fourth movie though. I would be interested in seeing what it would be about, but it wouldn't be the same without Cameron Boyce. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
              • bookqueenpaige
                bookqueenpaigeabout 4 years55 popcorn
                This movie is really good. I absolutely loved it. I memorized the whole soundtrack and I've memorized all of the soundtracks from all 3 movies. I think I've watched this movie 100 times it's really good. R.I.P. Camryon Boyce he was really good in this film I won't say that this was his last film bc it isn't before he left us he starred in another show Paradise city. But back to this movie it has some really catchy songs and some really simple moves if you want to dance along but the story is really simple but interesting and it's not like any other Disney movie {ive watched it} but anyways I definitely recommend this movie to you guys and Bai!
                • sophiarates
                  sophiaratesabout 4 years55 popcorn
                  This movie is AWESOME!
                  • hamilton24
                    hamilton24about 4 years
                    I love this movie. There is so much action in it.
                    • pastelea
                      pasteleaabout 4 years55 popcorn
                      I have read all the books and saw all the movies.I highly recomend the books and to watch the movies.Here is who play's for the charecters:Audry=Sarah Jeffery Mal=Dove Cammorn Evie=Sofia Carson Jay=Booboo Stewart Carlos=Camrom Boyce And Ben=Mitchell Hope I can go on for ever with all the people who play so here is my review on the movie,Mal,Evie,Carlos and Jay return to the Isle of the lost to recruit a new batch of vilans offspring to join them at aurodon prep.But when hades.the former god of the underworld,almost breaches the barrier when they go back to aurodon,Mal fears that an unwelcome villan could wreck vengeance on the kindom and her peaceful life. Torn between her loyalty to the isle of the lost and her desire to keep auradon and all those she loves safe,Mal resloves to permently close the barrier forever!๐ŸคฏDespite her decision,an unfathomable dark force unexpectfuly threatens the people of auradon.As the furture of auradon hangs in the balance,it's up to Mal and the other VKS to unite and save everyone in thiernmost epic battle yet.CAn these kids prove it's good to be bad? So i did my best what do ya think?

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