brenishapickens's Activity (4821)

  • cerulian
    cerulian added a new comment in
    I have never read any of the 39 Clues series books. I have always wanted to and this would be the perfect opportunity. I do not have many mystery books in my collection. I have got recommendations from friends to read these books because it is a good mystery book series to start off with. I think I would enjoy reading this.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cerulian
    cerulian added a book review.
    I am reading this book and it is amazing! I love some of the athletes in this book like Gabby Douglas. She is my favorite gymnast and I loved reading about her. I also loved reading about Peyton Manning and how he had to dance the Tango for a play. I have been skipping around and reading the stories that interest me. I will definitely let my sister read this book too.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cerulian
    cerulian added a book review.
    This is a pretty cool book about a girl who can talk to magical creatures. Her name is Pip and she is sent to spend the summer with her aunt Emma who is a veterinarian for magical creatures. Pip must help her new town with handling all of these magical creatures and she gains help from the book, Jeffrey Higgleston's Guide to Magical Creatures. Pip gains hands-on experience in dealing with magical creatures and not purposefully rewrites the book she has been using. With help from her new friend, her aunt, and her skills, she tries her best to save the town.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cerulian
    cerulian added a book review.
    I am currently reading this book using the few chapters given to us when you click on the name of the book. I will ask my sister to help me check it out or I will try and get it myself. The story is really cool so far because from what I read, it is about a world among another world. I always wonder if these things actually do happen and people save our world from being destroyed by another world or being everyday. The main character is Prudence Potts and she is helped by a mysterious kid named Abe. The story just gives off magic with every page and I can't wait to finish it.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cerulian
    cerulian added a new comment in
    Priscilla Shirer is a New York Times best-selling author and I would love to read this book series that she has made for kids my age. I love to read about Greek and Roman mythology and this book seems as if there might be some of that included.Specifically, I enjoy reading mythological stories that are in the form of epics. Maybe this book is not an epic, but it sure does look epic. I want to know who the Prince Warriors are and I want to know the world they live in.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cerulian
    cerulian added a new comment in
    Gears of Revolution sounds like the name of a book that is definitely worth reading. This book seems like there might be some steampunk and Pirates of the Carribean elements involved. I like to read stories like that because of how much they contrast with the actual world and what unique elements they bring. I read the book Cinder which involves steampunk elements and I loved it. I think I would love this book too, not only because of the possible steampunk aspects, but also because it involves mystery. Everyone could use a good mystery.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cerulian
    cerulian added a book review.
    I finally got a chance to read this book and it was really quite the ride. You would never expect anyone that you think you know to be someone else. In Story Thieves, Owen goes to school with a girl named Bethany. One day at the library, Owen witnesses Bethany come out a book. It turns out that Bethany was searching for her father because she is not actually from our world, but the story world. She doesn't know which story her father is in, so she has been looking for him in many different books. Owen is fascinated by her ability and makes a deal with her. She must take him into his favorite book, and in exchange he will not tell her secret. Bethany agrees and this also allows her to search for her father. This book may be Owen's favorite from the real world, but in the story world, it just might destroy him and Bethany.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cerulian
    cerulian added a new comment in
    This book seems extremely interesting and really want to read it. I like to read books about history and this book relates to history because it involves a plague. Plagues are a big part of history in any part of the world. I would love to read this story and see how this plague, The Scourge, affects Ani's future.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cerulian
    cerulian added a new comment in
    I would love to win this book because National Geographic always gives great information on not only animals and wildlife but the earth in general. I would really enjoy reading this book and learning about all of the interesting facts. I would highly treasure this prize. Thank you.
    Over 7 years ago
  • cerulian
    cerulian added a new comment in
    I would love to win this book for my sister so that she and I can read it together before bed. We enjoy doing that very much. This book seems very kid friendly and fun. I like how the book is a spin-off based on Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's niece is in charge of helping the kids now and I would like to see how she does without her aunt.
    Over 7 years ago

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