fnafbeast_editz's Activity (133)

  • ilovecollies_64
    ilovecollies_64 added a book review.
    This book was AMAZING!!!!!!!!! It follows a wolf who walked more than 1,000 miles, after its pack got seperated. It all starts when he is a pup, and then follows him until he finds a mate. It has beautiful writing, but it is also very sad. If you are looking for a great book about an animal, this is the right one for you. Some of the scenes get very detailed into things that might be sensitive for some people, so be careful while reading. I would recommend it for 10+
    6 months ago
  • gumi_and_fauna4
    gumi_and_fauna4 has read this book.
    6 months ago
  • ilovecollies_64
    ilovecollies_64 added a book review.
    This book was kinda good. Its a fantasy book, about two girls who find out that they are magical people who have to save the world from a monster that THEY released. It was kinda cheesy, and the character adaption wasn't that great, but the sarcasm was parfait, perfect. It was one of those books that made you want to cringe, really hard. I would recommend it for 7+
    6 months ago
  • ilovecollies_64
    ilovecollies_64 added a book review.
    THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD. It is about this little girl named Ha, and her life. First,
    6 months ago
  • gumi_and_fauna4
    gumi_and_fauna4's book review was featured in This Isn't What It Looks Like (The Secret Series).
    This book is really good! On the challenging scale, I would rate it a 3 - just right! This book is basically about how Cass eats Mr Hugo’s chocolate, and then goes into the past. She finds the Jester and does a bunch of stuff to prepare her to go back to the future. She makes sure the Jester and Anastasia leave her a box with the Secret in it. They do, but then the hieroglyphics rapidly turn to dust! What is Cass going to do? The author leaves us with a terrible cliffhanger! What is going to happen? Find out in the next book… yup, I’m also advertising - just kidding! I would recommend this book to 3rd to 7th graders.
    6 months ago
  • im_a_swiftie
    im_a_swiftie added a book review.
    The book, Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi Leia, Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray is a sci-fi novel. I have only read pages 1-60, but it is really interesting. Leia is currently learning about the ripple effect. She is learning how to be a queen and is struggling a bit. It is a great book for kids grades 5-6, it depends on reading levels, its a pretty big book.
    6 months ago
  • gumi_and_fauna4
    gumi_and_fauna4 added a book review.
    This book is really good! On the challenging scale, I would rate it a 3 - just right! This book is basically about how Cass eats Mr Hugo’s chocolate, and then goes into the past. She finds the Jester and does a bunch of stuff to prepare her to go back to the future. She makes sure the Jester and Anastasia leave her a box with the Secret in it. They do, but then the hieroglyphics rapidly turn to dust! What is Cass going to do? The author leaves us with a terrible cliffhanger! What is going to happen? Find out in the next book… yup, I’m also advertising - just kidding! I would recommend this book to 3rd to 7th graders.
    6 months ago
  • gumi_and_fauna4
    gumi_and_fauna4 has read this book.
    6 months ago
  • gumi_and_fauna4
    gumi_and_fauna4 added a book review.
    This book is really good! On the challenging scale, I would give it a 3 - just right! The summary is basically that there are these people, Ms Mauvias and Dr L. They are the bad guys. They basically go around and convince people to trust them and then they change their skin so that if they are like 100 or something, it would look like they are 20. In this book, they take a bunch of kids and force them into child labor making chocolate. They want this special chocolate to make them immortal. But then Cass, Max-Ernest, and Yo-Yoji stop them by telling the police and stuff. There is a lot more, but you know, SPOILERS!! I would recommend this book to 3rd - 7th grade.
    6 months ago

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