lpfalcon's Activity (70)

  • kmfalcon
    kmfalconliked a comment in Need A Weather Prediction? Ask Your Cat!.
    This article makes me wonder what the science is behind sensing the weather. Why do they do it anyways? Are they trying to protect us? Warn us? they are DEFINITELY more in tune with mother nature than us. they can tell what the weather will be where as we have to turn on the TV and listen to the weather man blab on about what the weather will be.
    About 10 years ago
  • kmfalcon
    kmfalconliked a comment in Need A Weather Prediction? Ask Your Cat!.
    I think animals are more in tune with mother nature because if they can sence really any storm then they are basicly just a warning that the humans are in danger or that good weather is coming their way.
    About 10 years ago
  • dffalcon
    dffalcon added a new comment in
    I dont think so becasue in the passage, it said that it wasn't scientificly prooven that cats could predict the weather. No one goes around watching cats to tell the weather so i personally dont believe it
    About 10 years ago
  • roush
    roushliked a comment in Need A Weather Prediction? Ask Your Cat!.
    This article makes me wonder what the science is behind sensing the weather. Why do they do it anyways? Are they trying to protect us? Warn us? they are DEFINITELY more in tune with mother nature than us. they can tell what the weather will be where as we have to turn on the TV and listen to the weather man blab on about what the weather will be.
    About 10 years ago
  • roush
    roushliked a comment in Need A Weather Prediction? Ask Your Cat!.
    I think animals are more in tune with mother nature because if they can sence really any storm then they are basicly just a warning that the humans are in danger or that good weather is coming their way.
    About 10 years ago
  • bhfalcon
    bhfalcon added a new comment in
    thats cool how cats can predict weather and kind of werid
    About 10 years ago
  • kmfalcon
    kmfalcon added a new comment in
    I think Professor Pail Dawson because someone clearly just made up the 5 second rule because they were still hungry and their food had landed on the ground. Another reason is because if it already landed on the ground an you think the ground is clean, anything could have goten on the food you droped. Any food you drop could get any kind of germ that could make you really sick.
    About 10 years ago
  • arfalcon
    arfalcon added a new comment in
    I'm not for sure because I have never heard of a cat determining the weather. but I also am not for sure because I don't have a cat and I don't like cats so I never see them do those kind of things. I'm sure sometimes cats can determine the weather but not always. Some people that have a cat may believe and some may not but I've never heard of anything like an animal knowing what the weather is going to be but it is pretty fascinating. I liked this article
    About 10 years ago
  • kmfalcon
    kmfalconliked a comment in Is The Five-Second Rule Valid? Depends On Who You Ask!.
    I think Professor Paul Dawson is right because no matter where the piece of food lands it is gross to pick it up and eat it again because that has germs on it and it can get you sick. it is really really really really really really REALLY bad for you and if you don't want to get sick then DON'T LISTEN TO THE 5 SECOND RULE. its not true and it could cause really bad sickness so i don't think anyone should eat food off the floor because it could get germs on it in a split second and germs don't wait 6 seconds for you to pic up your food so they won't get on it. They will get on it no matter what so i think you should never eat food off the ground even if it is your last piece or if you love it. never eat it off the ground. even if the ground just got swept or if it is clean. just still never eat any food that even touched the ground by a corner even if you take the corner off the germs can move to other places. germs can make you really sick and so you always wash your hands so it doesn't make since if you wash you hands but still think it is OK to eat food off the floor. the germs spread and it is really bad for you and you should never even eat food that touched the ground even if it only touched the ground for like 1 second it is still bad and get germs on it badly. the picture of the germs and a chip shows a great example because you count to five but the germs don't wait to spread on the chip so you should never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER EVER EVER even think it is ok to eat any kind of food that touched the ground. So i definitely agree with Professor Paul Dawson and i think you should too. never listen to the 5 second rule. DUH!!!
    About 10 years ago
  • hsfalcon
    hsfalconis now following mrfalcon.
    About 10 years ago

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