supershy's Activity (36)

  • lizzz
    lizzz added a movie review.
    Extremely good! My favourite movie so far!
    8 months ago
  • lizzz
    lizzz's movie review was featured in Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken.
    Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken, is a family comedy that everyone would definitely love no matter how many times you have watched it. Ruby Gillman just wants to be a normal teenager that will be able to live on both land and on sea. Ruby also secretly likes Connor, a teenage boy Ruby tutors. Connor also secretly likes Ruby but neither of them is brave enough to tell each other. Prom is coming up but it takes place on a... boat!... on the SEA! Ruby's mother strictly does not allow anyone from the Gillman family to go into water. However, Ruby really wants to go with her friends! So Ruby makes a whole presentation and stuff blah blah blah but, her mother still says NO! Trevon then makes a very good idea for Ruby... Sneak onto the boat and don't let her mother know! Ruby then settles on the idea and plans to ask Connor to go to Prom with her. Soon, this new girl called Chelsea who was reaaaaaaally pretty (Like I'm not even kidding) comes into set and apparently, she was a mermaid who was sent out to the human world to kill all the krakens, and she was the most popular girl in the whole school within seconds. Review is until here I am not going to spoil it anymore, and anyway here is the ending roughly: Ruby beat Chelsea and Ruby wins the fight. Thank you for reading until here have you good day/ evening/ night tysm! <3
    8 months ago
  • lizzz
    lizzz added a movie review.
    Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken, is a family comedy that everyone would definitely love no matter how many times you have watched it. Ruby Gillman just wants to be a normal teenager that will be able to live on both land and on sea. Ruby also secretly likes Connor, a teenage boy Ruby tutors. Connor also secretly likes Ruby but neither of them is brave enough to tell each other. Prom is coming up but it takes place on a... boat!... on the SEA! Ruby's mother strictly does not allow anyone from the Gillman family to go into water. However, Ruby really wants to go with her friends! So Ruby makes a whole presentation and stuff blah blah blah but, her mother still says NO! Trevon then makes a very good idea for Ruby... Sneak onto the boat and don't let her mother know! Ruby then settles on the idea and plans to ask Connor to go to Prom with her. Soon, this new girl called Chelsea who was reaaaaaaally pretty (Like I'm not even kidding) comes into set and apparently, she was a mermaid who was sent out to the human world to kill all the krakens, and she was the most popular girl in the whole school within seconds. Review is until here I am not going to spoil it anymore, and anyway here is the ending roughly: Ruby beat Chelsea and Ruby wins the fight. Thank you for reading until here have you good day/ evening/ night tysm! <3
    8 months ago
  • lizzz
    lizzzis now following chickenwingking.
    8 months ago
  • supershy
    supershy added a new comment in
    I hope that they are all safe
    8 months ago
  • supershy
    supershy added a new comment in
    8 months ago
  • lizzz
    lizzzis now following gumi_and_fauna4.
    8 months ago
  • lizzz
    lizzzis now following gumi_and_fauna4.
    8 months ago
  • lizzz
    lizzzis now following mimiminer13.
    8 months ago
  • lizzz
    lizzzis now following mimiminer13.
    8 months ago

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