Articles with 200-400 Words

Earth Will Capture A Temporary "Mini-Moon" This Weekend

Get ready for a rare celestial event! This weekend,
our planet will capture a temporary "mini-moon" in
the form of a small asteroid called 2024 PT5. This
tiny space rock will enter Earth's orbit on September
29, 2024. However, unlike our permanent Moon,
which has been with us for billions of years, 2024
PT5 will only be around for eight weeks.

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Earth Will Capture A Temporary "Mini-Moon" This Weekend

New Zealand's Māori People Crown New Queen

The Māori people of New Zealand welcomed a new
queen on September 5, 2024. Nga Wai Hono i te Po
succeeds her father, Kiingi Tuheitia, who died on
August 30, 2024, after 18 years as king. The
27-year-old is the youngest child and only daughter
of the late king. She was chosen by a committee of
12 Māori leaders. Nga Wai Hono i te Po is only the ...

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New Zealand's Māori People Crown New Queen

Hispanic Heritage Month Starts On September 15

Hispanic Heritage Month is marked annually in the
United States from September 15 to October 15.
This national celebration began in 1968 as Hispanic
Heritage Week. It was expanded to cover an entire
month in 1988. The observance honors the
histories, cultures, and contributions of Hispanic and
Latin-American communities. This includes those w...

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Hispanic Heritage Month Starts On September 15

World's Biggest Carbon Absorbing Plant Opens In Iceland

Carbon dioxide (CO2), released by burning fossil
fuels like oil and coal, is a large contributor to global
warming. Switching to renewable energy sources like
solar panels and wind turbines can help reduce the
harmful emissions. However, phasing out fossil fuels
entirely will take time. Meanwhile, companies like
Climeworks are developing innovative solutions to ...

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World's Biggest Carbon Absorbing Plant Opens In Iceland

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