X-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Days of Future Past

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods as they join forces with their younger selves in an epic battle that must change the past – to save our future.

Directors: Bryan Singer, Matthew Vaughn

Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Patrick Stewart, and Ian McKellen

Release Date: May 23, 2014

86 Movie Reviews
  • lambchopsover 9 years
    I like this movie because wolverine goes to the past to stop the machines from killing them:-( :-(
    • willow2004
      willow2004over 9 years55 popcorn
      This a really good movie!!!!!!!K
      • sammisr10
        sammisr10over 9 years55 popcorn
        Great movie! But I am not so sure about younger kids, cuz I went with my younger brother and he got kinda freaked at the blood. But otherwise it was a great movie.
        • M3RK MUSICover 9 years
          amazing movie
          • ajauregui
            ajaureguiover 9 years
            i love it so much it is amazing
            • ffffff
              ffffffover 9 years
              I also want to see it in real life bro but how can you watch this cool movie bro
              • derpover 9 years
                it was a great movie!!!
                • Magnetoover 9 years
                  Imagine everything in the past stacks up into bigger problems.
                  • sweetpicks
                    sweetpicksover 9 years55 popcornFeatured
                    I thought this movie was excellent. I love the X-men, but the three other movies compared to this, Days of future past wins hands down. I loved, Mystiques character, in Days of Future past, and X-men first class. I would recommend it to anyone who has not seen it. LOVED It
                    • redheadperson22
                      redheadperson22over 9 years33 popcornFeatured
                      In the future Sentinels are killing all of the mutants as well as any humans helping them. So Wolverine goes back into the past (the 70s I think), in order to change something that could prevent this terrible future from happening. What I thought of it: Well, Wolverine was kind of the main character so, that was a plus. I was disappointed that Pietro (who was for some reason named Peter) didn't get a bigger part. I was also disappointed that Rouge only had a cameo. I don't even think Nightcrawler was in the movie at all. But that was ok. Overall, it was a pretty good movie