enderman30's Activity (14)

  • enderman30
    enderman30 added a movie review.
    Over 8 years ago
  • enderman30
    enderman30liked a comment in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
    MINOR SPOILER ALERT!- This movie was okay. I thought this movie would at least be 4/5 stars, but it had a lot of disappointing parts. Lex Luthor was a psychopath (like the Joker). Adding Doomsday was really unnecessary. You should still watch, but maybe not buy it on DVD.
    Over 8 years ago
  • enderman30
    enderman30liked a comment in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
    suicide squad was amazing
    Over 8 years ago
  • enderman30
    enderman30liked a comment in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
    Horrible movie. Waste of time, don't go see it
    Over 8 years ago
  • enderman30
    enderman30liked a comment in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
    Before I start I will warn you that THERE ARE SPOILERS in this review! I had very high hopes for the long awaited Batman V Superman movie, but it ended up being a huge disappointment. In the movie everyone seemed to be mad at Superman for saving the world from General Zod. Then Lex Luther was a psychopath who wanted to kill superman for power. The same things kept happening over and over again, but none of it made any sense. Then Batman just forgave Superman out of nowhere just because their mothers both had the name Martha. They both teamed up with Wonder Woman in the end to defeat Doomsday (A monster created by Lex Luthor), and then (SPOILER ALERT) Superman, one of the few sensible people in the movie, dies. What was really weird was that once Superman was dead everyone who hated him before were all super upset. So the movie was overall not very good. It was very confusing and very dark. I DO NOT recommend this movie at all.
    Over 8 years ago
  • enderman30
    enderman30liked a comment in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
    I was disappointed, I have to say, I really was. As a big fan of super hero movies, I was looking forward to this one for a long time. All the trailers looked really good. I really enjoyed the previous installment, "Man of Steel," so I really was looking forward to this film. However, when I finally did watch it, I was not impressed. First of all, It had more of a dark tone and sense to the movie. Now, this works for some superhero movies, such as The Dark Knight Trilogy, but for this one, it did not. Second of all, it completely changed Batman. Now, some people do like Ben Affleck's portrayal as the Dark Knight, however, I did not. In the previous Batman movies, Batman had a sense of sensibility, where in this movie, Batman just seemed like a man bent on revenge. Everyone loved those old Batman films, and I understand that they didn't want people to mistake this DC Extended Universe Batman with the old one, but that doesn't mean that you have to turn him into a evil vigilante who brands his enemies. Third of all, the battle. The title, "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" sounds like it will be just about the fight between Batman and Superman, and the coming of the Justice League. But it really wasn't. For example, in the film, Superman was being blamed for the city's destruction and everyone hated him. So, Batman takes it upon himself to bring an end to him. Also, I thought Wonder Woman was cool and all, however I kind of felt that she wasn't really an essential part of the movie and that they just stuck her in there to introduce her for next years "Wonder Woman" movie. However, I did enjoy the final battle against Doomsday, I'd have to say that that was my favorite part. Overall, I wasn't thrilled about this film. I felt that it could have been A LOT better. As a fan of the Marvel films, I understand that this is DC and that they just started out their extended universe, but still. I think this was a drop down since "Man of Steel," which I have to say, I really enjoyed. I'm really hoping that they can make the Justice League movies better than this one.
    Over 8 years ago
  • enderman30
    enderman30liked a comment in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
    this movie was weird none of the story line followed the past movies comics or something with super heroes at each others throat then see captain america civil war, this movie was just disappointing
    Over 8 years ago
  • enderman30
    enderman30 has watched this movie.
    Over 8 years ago
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